i juz think dat i hv to write this.sori mr.blog if this is too much 4 u.
i juz don't get it.why everyone(not everyone actually) keeps telling me dat i'm look loke an indian???why???no one ever told me dat back in msia.why does it happens here.
i'm seriously sick of that statemnt.it happens since orientation day n till today.
i juz need to release all the anger.i'm sori once again mr.blog.i don't what to do.
i'm so mad,so sick of all da tempes(local indian).i juz can't see any ways to get rid all of them from my life.i think i still can accept their rudeness n all the bad qualities dat they hv but not when they're telling me dat i look like them.hell,i'm not.sori mr.blog,4 using bad word.today ,it reaches my limit.i think it's ok if they juz said that my face resemble indian looks but to say that i came from KERALA,INDIA is toooooo much.i don't even hv tempe's rudeness,i'm so sopan n so kind(terperasan kjap) n so malaysian.can't u see dat!!!argh.i wish i can throw my carving tray at him.but i can't.cuz he's my lect.my 'beloved' DM lec.
b4 he said dat to me,there are also some of the tempes dat said almost the same thngs to me.
1)during orientation,one tempe,gurl,sitting next to me.
she said,"ur face look like an indian gurl."
2)during dissection,my batchmate,another tempe,gurl also.
she said,"ur face look like an indian gurl."(i can't remember what she said but it almost like dat,i think.
3)erm,during DA pract,one of the lect,we called him 'si hitam',all of a sudden,asked me whether i know hindi.why me?n why hindi?
4)during class,my batchmate,another tempe,we called him 'photographer'(why we called him like dat,that's a secret i'll never tell,hihihi)
he said,"hey,u're half indian,right?"
i said,"NO!i'm not indian."
(that's all i can remember what i said to him.to long.mr blog might get bored.)
5)during vaccination.senior.final year,tempe also.gurl.she was looking at me like sumthin' is wrong wif me,so i decided to say sumthin' to her.
i said,"i'm not an indian gurl"
she said,"yeah,u look like an indian"
then i said,"that's why i'm telling u dat i'm not an indian cuz everyone keeps telling me dat i look like an indian"
6)after being forced to go to the lib.outside lib,one auntie,tempe,tea maker.
i can't remember what she said but it almost the same,telling dat i look like an indian.she even want to hug me.BIG NO.it was already afternoon n tempe is well known for their smell (busuk yg amat)
7)last but not least,i think.today,DM's pract room,during viva,DM's lect,also tempe.
he said,"u came from KERALA,right?"
cuz i'm too blur dat time,i just said,"no".
after dat viva over,i suddenly got so mad cuz of dat question.
seriously,stop calling me tempe ( i mean saying dat my face look like an indian )
i don't want to become tempe.not in real life or even in my dream.seriously.
i'm a malay gurl,n i'm proud to be malaysian.
*sori la mr blog.da lme x mlawat.tetibe dtg,mmbebel lak.hehehe.*
buat bodo jek..tempe mmg kuang ajo.igt kite nih spesies mereke hape.ceh~
ReplyDeletetaw xpe..aku punyer la sopan,baek,berbudi bhs, bertoleransi dan sbgnya..bley ckp aku tempe..
alolololo, siannyer dia..
ReplyDeletesabar ye dek *hugs* lama2 diorg diam la tu..
try to think on the positive side :)
insyaALLAH everything will be alright..
erk... sabo2.... ko xmcm tempe... tempe hitam buruk... ko itam manis~
ReplyDelete(ako xpasti statement ako nh kutuk kew puji... anggap la sbgai pujian ye~)
k.hazimah:huhuhu..tq 4 d hugs..hehehe
ReplyDeleteyea,insyAllah smuanya akn baek,aritu cm tbenggang jap dgn tempe..hehehe
naqi:ceh,cm kutuk jea..hahaha
pujian tuh... hehehe.... think positive~